Here is the equipment I'll be using:
Dell 4500 2.0 Ghz P4
256Mb DDR 266 ram
80Gb Maxator Hard Drive
16X +/- RW LiteOn DVD
16X DVD ROM Sony
Sound Blaster Live Audio
RealTek 10/100 Network Card
Nvidia MX 4 420 AGP Video
Logitec Mouse USB
19 Inch LCD
Note: I removed a 40Gb HD from this machine and put it up because it has an XP Home install with MS Office 2003 Pro fully licensed. This is just in case this experiment doesn't work out. Some will say this just shows I'm not committed to Linux yet and they are right. I think of this drive as a backup plan and besides why waste the $600 in software. I read something about WINE (an app that lets windows software run on Linux?) so maybe if it does work out I can use WINE and move the Office 2003 over to the Linux box.
Thank you for at least giving Linux a try. The whole "30 days" idea is BRILLIANT! What I hope you will do is learn enough in 30 days to keep you wanting to use it. I still use Windows at home about 10% of the time (sometimes things just refuse to work in Firefox and/or Linux) but use Linux for the rest. I have had some success with WINE (but it is not perfect) and two of the programs I use will not run/will not run properly in WINE, so I do them from the Windows partition.
You most likely will want to boost the RAM if you can. I run 512 and wish (at times) I had a gig of it. If it acts bogged down, then you know why.
Also, if you are not too keen on GNOME, then try XFCE or IceMW. I use IceWM on all my underpowered boxes and GNOME on my heftier ones.
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