Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Nice Clipboard Manager - Diodon

While I'm researching online for projects (like this one) I find myself opening a GEDIT doc and copying and pasting multiple items to that doc so I can use them later (like the commands in #2 below).  Well I found a nice little Indicator App that lets you copy multiple items and saves them in a nice drop down so that you can use them later.  It's call Diodon Clipboard Manager.  It runs as an Indicator App (little paperclip in the below picture) so it's conveniently located and easy to use.

Let's get it installed and running, here's how;

1.  Open a Terminal Window

2.  Type the following commands, hitting ENTER key after each one.

     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable

     sudo apt-get update

     sudo apt-get install diodon diodon-plugins


3.  You're done. (see the little paperclip near your date/time)

Now let's make it start every time we reboot or start our system.

1.  Go to your main LENS on your UNITY Bar
     and type in startup applications and hit ENTER
2.  Double Click on the Startup Applications Icon.

3.  This will launch the Startup Applications editor

4.  If Diodon is already there, just close Startup Applications
     because you don't need to do anything and are done.

5.  If it isn't there, click on the ADD button and a popup window will appear.

6.  In the Popup Window type the following;

     NAME: Diodon
     COMMAND: diodon
     COMMENT: Clipboard Manager

7.  Click the SAVE button in the popup window and you're done!