Friday, November 03, 2006

Method to the Madness

I've decided to use a two step process while learning and using Linux. The first process will be to try to get Linux to do what I want it to with the "click and pray" method. (click on things without much reading until something happens). This will test how user friendly Linux is. This is the method that I see most MS Windows users try. And like most new MS Windows users this method will probably get me into trouble but should work for 60-70 percent of what I want to do. (I've installed Ubuntu Linux, got Internet access, and made this Blog with this method)

Now if this method does not work and I really need to do the task at hand, I will go to the 2nd method, RESEARCH. This will start with any local HELP menu options, followed up with Internet searches, and finally I'll ask others who have more Linux experience than me. (I will try to keep the "ask others" to a minimum). When I use this 2nd method, I will try to document the source of any answers I find.

Since I have set a 30 day limit on this test and want to get the most from this experience, I will only resort to the 2nd method if its something I really need or want to do. (I have a feeling that networking with my MS Windows network and accessing NTFS shares will be one of these and adding a wireless PCI Network card).

Over the weekend I plan on trying various Thumb Drives, removable hard drives, getting a SD card reader working (for photos), and maybe an MP3 Player.

As for now, I am going to power this Linux Box down and try to add another 256mbs of memory. I wonder how this will go.

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