Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nautilus Extension For Quick Image Editing

Every want to right click an image in Nautilus and change it's size, rotate it, or convert its format?  If so then the IMAGE TOOLS Nautilus Extension is for you.  This extension lets you perform the following actions:

Resize, rotate or flip images
Convert images to or from:  bmp, gif, jpg, pcx, png, tif, and more
Enhance Images: brightness/color/contrast/sharpness
Add Effects: black and white, blur, border, contour, grey scale, negative, shadow, vintage or watermark.

To install it, OPEN A TERMINAL WINDOW and type the following command, pressing ENTER after each one:

     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/nautilus-extensions 

     sudo apt-get update

     sudo apt-get install nautilus-image-tools

     nautilus -q


To use it just open Nautilus, right click on an image file and scroll down the list until you find the IMAGE TOOLS option.

It's not Photoshop or Gimp but for a quick edit here or there it works just fine.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Remove and Reinstall Your Video Drivers (Nvidia)

After my Linux Kernel Upgrade to 3.2.0-57 I had to reboot.  On reboot I got a Black TERMINAL SCREEN asking for my USER NAME and PASSWORD.  Even after giving my user/password I was still stuck at the TERMINAL Screen.  Last time this happened it was a problem with my video driver (Nvidia).  So I tried this fix again and it worked!  Here's how;

1.  At the Terminal Screen type the following and hit ENTER;

     sudo apt-get purge nvidia* 

2. That removes your Nvidia Drivers, once it runs (it takes about 10 minutes and runs several lines in the Terminal) we reinstall the current Nvidia Driver with the following command;

  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates-dev 

3.  Once this command runs, just reboot your system and you should be good to go.