Friday, November 03, 2006

Memory No Upgrade / Boot Times

Ever notice how PC2700 looks like PC2100? I do now. I guess I'll have to go buy some memory. Oh well, I guess a gig will be better than 512mbs.

Now lets talk Boot Times. From the time I see GRUB until the Logon screen appears it takes 29 seconds. After I type my user name and password its 13 seconds until I can start using the system. Counting the BOIS posts and my typing times that's about one (1) minute from power on until I can use it. This is not bad. My MS Windows laptop takes about three minutes and my new work machines takes a minute and a half.

Now this is a "clean install" and some MS Windows machines can achieve theses times when "clean". I'll time it again later as I make changes.

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