Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Enable AppImages and FlatPaks on Ubuntu 22.04 +

 Enabling APPIMAGES on Ubuntu 22.04 +

Ubuntu 22.04 does not included the libfuse2 package by default. The AppImage distribution and most AppImage Apps need the libfuse2 package to function.  So AppImage will not work on Ubuntu 22.04 out of the box.  We need to install the libfuse2 package through a Terminal Window to fix this problem. Just open a Terminal Window and type the following:

sudo apt install libfuse2*

That's it, your AppImage's should now work.  Short and easy! To use your AppImage files just Right Click on your AppImage File and enabled ‘allow executing file as program’.  After that double click on your AppImage File to run it.


Enabling FLATPAK on Ubuntu 22.04 

All you need to do is install FlatPak by running the following command in a Terminal Window.

sudo apt install flatpak

You can visit to browse FlatPak Apps.  Once you find the App you want to install just click on it to go to that Apps webpage.  At the bottom of that App's page is a flatpak install command.  Just copy and paste that command into a terminal window and execute it to install that App. 


If you have downloaded a .flatpak install file to your Downloads directory you can run the following command in a terminal window (replace XXX with the install files name) 

flatpak install ~/Downloads/XXX.flatpak


There you go, now you can use .deb, snap, appimage or flatpak Apps on you Ubuntu 22.04 + system.