Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Adventure Begins

On November 1, 2006, I decided to give Linux (Ubuntu 6.1) a chance. I am a long time Microsoft user, clear back to DOS days (I still have a boxed copy of DOS 2.X with manuals). I currently own several machines running everything from Windows 3.1 through XP Pro and I help manage a large MS XP/2000 network spanning several locations and supporting remote users. I don't know everything about Windows and networking but I do know enough to be comfortable using and administrating it.

Why tell you this? It's not to boast, it's just to let you know where my experience lies. Now to the point. One of my friends is a devoted Linux user and after talking to him, he convinced me to give it a try. I have never used any Linux "flavor" before so this is all new to me. To give Linux a fair chance, I've decided to give up all access to my windows machines for 30 days. Now that "all access to windows" isn't exactly true, everything at work is still MS Windows based and I'll have to use it there (unless I figure out how to manage Active Directories with Linux).

The other reason to do this is just to document my experiences "switching over" in the hopes that it might help someone else who has been sitting on the fence and just needs a little help from someone who is going through the process too.

So with theses reasons in mind, this will probably turn out to be a technical blog. I plan on going into detail on what I've done and how I did it. In addition I will be giving my opinion how things differ in Linux compared to MS Windows.

As a side note this is the first time I have ever Blogged anything and I thought this would be as good a topic as any.

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