Sunday, March 25, 2012

Five Ubuntu 11.10 Shortcuts and some common one's.

Ubuntu 11.10 Keyboard Shortcuts
SuperKey + S(Windows Logo Key) Work space Switcher.
SuperKey + T(Windows Logo Key) Open Trash.
Ctrl+Alt + TOpens Terminal Window.
Prt-Scn = (Print Screen) Take a screenshot of the whole screen.
Alt + Prt-ScnTake a screenshot of the current window.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + C = Copy the selected text/object.
Ctrl + X = Cut the selected text/object.
Ctrl + V = Paste/insert the selected text/object.
Ctrl + A = Select all text.
Ctrl + B = Make the selected text bold.
Ctrl + I = Make the selected text italic.
Ctrl + U = Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + N = Open a new document or window.
Ctrl + S = Save the current document.
Ctrl + O = Open another document.
Ctrl + P = Print the current document.
Ctrl + Z = Undo the last change you made.
Ctrl + Shift + Z = Redo a change that you just undid.

I know the common shortcuts are "very common" but I had to learn them from someone so I'm just paying it forward.