Sunday, February 06, 2022

Adding or Changing Default Aliases

 I wanted to add a shorter ls command to use in the Terminal that showed directories and their contents in the format I wanted to see them in.  I decided that I'd also shorten the command by 50% (well one letter) by using just 'l' instead of 'ls'.  I read the 'man' page for ls and a few trusted websites and finally settled on the following parameters;  

ls -h -F -l -o -g --group-directories-first --color=auto

These parameters when added to 'ls' basically lists the directories first then files in alphabetical order A-Z, show how many files are in the directory, the permissions of the directory/file, the directory/file size, it's creation date/time, and it's name all in pretty colors. 

Once I figured out what parameters I wanted I created a '.sh' shell script file called '' and put it in my home directory's 'bin' folder which is also in my PATH.  It worked well but I had to type 'bash' to get it to work.  While testing I used just the 'l' command a few times and it worked but it did not run my script file it used something else and it was different from the standard 'ls' command too.  

After some reading I figured out that there was a special file called '.bashrc' and it had sections in it for ALIASES.  The .bashrc file was located in my home folder and can be opened with your favorite text editor.  

I found this section in my .bashrc file which was using the 'l' command I wanted but it had it's own parameters (not the one's I wanted)  

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF' 

So I edited the .bashrc file and replaced the alias l='ls -CF' to my parameters;
alias l='ls -h -F -l -o -g --group-directories-first --color=auto'

I saved the .bashrc file and rebooted the computer (The .bashrc file loads at start up which is why I rebooted, you may not have too but better safe then sorry).  So when I was done this section of my .bashrc file looked like this;

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -h -F -l -o -g --group-directories-first --color=auto'

And just like that I can now just type 'l' (without the ' ' ) and it runs my version of the ls command.  You can also add other alias in this section (my audio breaks sometimes so I have a script file that I alias here too, so now I just type 'fixaudio' and my audio fix program executes).  If you are going to do a lot of aliases you can also link to another file you create and add it's file name to a section in .bashrc near this section.

NOTE:  Backup your original .bashrc file before you edit it.  There is other stuff in it, not just the alias section.


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