Thursday, December 07, 2006


This Blog reads from the bottom up. I change the look a little and turned archiving back on.


rycherox said...

Much better! Thanks for the archives.

rycherox said...

FYI, I have a post on my blog with the details on the D-Link saga. Feel free to copy, edit and paste. I didn't go into much detail for some points. I linked to the sites I used for reference and downloads. Hope this helps.

Enos Straitt said...

So, are you gonna start a new blog? Inquiring minds want to know.

Knightmare said...

I have acquired a nice micro motherboard (1ghz cpu firewire/usb2 sound etc.) Its only 6 inches square. I have a tv tuner video capture card too. I think I'm going to build a media PC. I think I will try FREEVO This will be both a hardware and software project along with a little modding. (I might try to stuff it all inside an old VCR for media conversion).

I think this will be an interesting and useful howto project. I should be able to document it with photo's and maybe a little video just for something different.